Key Aspects of the Human Resource Management

Human Resource Strategies

A competitive advantage refers to positioning an organization ahead of others to accomplish prevalence in low cost, innovation, worth, or quality. Regardless of the way this may seem to a corporation, it might be the single key to their growth, success as well as fiscal stability. There are strategies that can help achieve this and assist to deal with unions, diversity and globalization. For instance, highly competitive wages can aid a company in attracting the best talent in the market. Gifted personnel guarantee great productivity which results in one firm having competitive edge over others, for example, at Google and Microsoft. The other human resources strategies include selective recruiting and loyal soldier HR strategy.


For an organization to deal with the challenges unions cause, they need to implement the loyal soldier HR strategy. A union refers to workers uniting to meet similar goals, for example, benefits, promotion rules, or better pay. Since individual belonging to such groups earn more salaries, this could negatively affect the company (Mojibi et al., 2019). It impacts the capacity of managers to reach particular decisions and minimize their freedom when working with employees. A corporation can utilize the strategy to retain staff by offering them a sense of security that convinces them to accept slightly lower wages than what they may receive from rival firms. Examples include Walmart retail company and Samsung electronics company limited.


Many companies are struggling with the issue of diversity, and the best way to recover is by implementing selective recruitment. This refers to hiring individuals from a particular group, for example, those from a marginalized ethnicity, seen at Google in African countries. The method can help an organization by targeting sources where there is a high concentration of diverse candidates. It is important that a firm does not depend on the common sources for long when seeking new people. Focusing on areas that one knows best can lead to a lack of diversity (Mousa et al., 2020). A recruiting team can instead look for platforms that host a great number of diverse people, an example being Amazon company. There are various groups both online and offline devoted to females in technology that can help find more women to work for a corporation.


Selective recruitment can as well help an organization deal with the issue of globalization. A company with a diverse staff is able to better understand the demographics in the global consumer marketplace, for example, Microsoft and Apple. Thus, it has greater chances of thriving than another which has not embraced the idea of diversity in its hiring process (Roberson, 2019). With markets worldwide showing significant growth in GDP, companies need talent from the local communities to enter the marketplace as well as communicate effectively.

Organizational Performance Improvement and Success

Appraisal and Performance Drivers

Performance appraisals can be beneficial to organizations and their employees as they clarify objectives and expectations which promotes open communication. They provide positive feedback for improvement and include a conversation between a staff member and management. They create a connection amid what is expected of an individual and the way their work contributes to the success of the firm (Escrig-Tena et al., 2019). By implementing them, it becomes clear a supervisor’s anticipations and aid a person prioritize their duties.

Designing Competitive Advantages

A competitive advantage can lead to success and growth of an organization. This can start from improving performance, for instance, sourcing the best talent in the market and paying them highly competitive wages, and having a diverse workforce. Having and retaining the top talented individuals in the industry means that the skillset level at the firm is higher than most and hence performance (Shahtahmasbi, 2021). This strategically positions them high in the marketplace.

Performance in a Global Market

In the global marketplace, organizations only perform well when they have a workforce that is capable. For instance, Google and Microsoft corporations have been able to hire individuals from different parts of the world to help them succeed. A local talent has better chances of understanding the area and thus, can aid the organization in finding the right solutions to the problems of the people in that region. For example, rather than starting to sell them on purchasing certain software, it is important that one discovers if they have the devices needed to run the programs (Erdem, 2020). A company might lose in its investment in a place in the event it lacks personnel familiar with the situation.

Human Resource Strategies Designed to Align Human Resource Skills with Current and Future Needs

To align human resource skills with current as well as future needs of the company, management needs to identify and implement particular workforce strategies despite the challenging global economy. To succeed, a human resource manager must deal with the various variables that impact the ability of an organization to attain its strategic goals (Thite, 2022). They have to develop qualitative and quantitative approaches to effectively and efficiently attract, engage as well as retain employees. This can include focusing on organizational capability assessment which will provide an insight into the factors that impact a corporation’s capacity to recruit and sustain staff members. Another method is the workforce planning whereby the implications of the business plan are analyzed and solutions developed to handle them.

Staffing And Human Resource Analysis

Job Analysis and Design

On the one hand, job design refers to the procedure of understanding identifying, and choosing the duties, responsibilities, and roles of a specific job profile. On the other hand, job analysis means establishing the level of work experience, professional and educational qualifications, skills and knowledge needed for a certain position. The main aim of the two is to obtain and scrutinize data associated with a certain spot in an organization (Schulte et al., 2018). They play an important role in placements as they enable assessment of the traits required to guarantee satisfactory performance according to the work surroundings for which the job is designed.

Employee Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment is the main responsibility accorded to the human resource department. Whereas it works in various areas such as employee development and engagement, data management, statutory compliance, among others, the main focus is attracting, selecting, and onboarding fitting candidates for the company. Selection can be described as the process of recognizing and opting for the best person for a specific job (Nikolaou, 2021). The contribution by every employee is crucial in the growth and sustenance of a business.

Therefore, it is essential to choose the right people for a specific position. In the same manner as a square peg cannot fit in a round hole, a poor hire has the ability to impact the overall outcomes. The effect to the business when a wrong candidate is hired is usually much worse than not having a new employee at all. Recruitment is an operational activity as well as a key strategic company procedure. Thus, it is vital to consider perfection in the process.

Human Resource Management Systems

A human resource management system refers to a collection of software programs utilized in managing human resources and associated procedures throughout the worker lifecycle. It enables an organization to fully comprehend its personnel while maintaining compliance with changing labor and tax regulations (Zeebaree et al., 2019). HR staff are the main users since they conduct daily operations and are in charge of determining if they are compliant and report on performance. Nevertheless, they are not the only ones that can benefit from the package. Firms can use it to inspire employees and their supervisors with self-service for regular tasks. This is a selling point, especially for younger hires, as suggested by Zeebaree et al. (2019). Executives can apply it to produce data on the trends in the labor market.

Factors Influencing Worker Motivation

Reward System

Every employee working in an organization expects something from the company at the end of the day, week, or month. It is important for employers to understand that the main way of motivating their staff members is by fulfilling their needs. The reward system is used by organizations to ensure that this happens (Pancasila et al., 2020). The primary reason behind performing at a job position is to be able to earn money. If someone feels that they are not being paid as they should, it becomes difficult for them to be effective. Compensation is essential and needs to consider the workload a person handles.

Organizational Climate and Cultures

In every organization, there is a certain way matters are conducted, which is what defines its culture. A climate in the workplace context refers to how individuals feel concerning the rules and regulation set in a company. A business that fails to embrace diversity and is full of cases depicting discrimination of any type is not a recipe for worker motivation (Baljoon et al., 2018). For instance, in today’s world, women have been empowered to take roles that were traditionally assumed to be only for the men. In a place that does not encourage this, employees lose their morale especially the females ones since they understand that no matter what they do, they will not qualify for a raise. Lastly, in a firm with strict that limit the freedom of creativity of a person, staff members lose inspiration.

How Work and Jobs Are Designed and Structured

To show that they are diverse in their recruiting and hiring processes, some companies have chosen to hire female employees, give them top positions but still limit their capacity. The same roles a male supervisor can perform are not approved for a woman manager. This leads to a motivation loss among the females (Maley et al., 2020). In the event, the jobs are created in a manner that empowers creativity and are not restrictive, people filling them will be inspired to perform. It will lead to better productivity and thus, more revenue generation.

Leadership Styles

The leadership style can negatively or positively affect the organization as it has the capacity to determine worker motivation. For example, a company whose management utilizes autocracy is likely to have employees who are disgruntled. An uninspired workforce means that the productivity is low and thus, less revenue for the business (Fries et al., 2021). However, for a firm whose leaders have chosen to be democratic, the morale is always high since individuals understand that they will be heard.

Role of Management Succession and Employee Career Development

Succession Planning

Succession planning refers to the procedure of recognizing the vital positions within an organization and establishing action plans for people to assume them. Having a holistic perspective of current as well as future objectives, this guarantees that one has the right individuals for the ideal roles today and in coming years. In the long haul, it strengthens the overall capacity to identify crucial positions and highlight possible vacancies, and select competencies and necessary skills for continuity (Ali & Mehreen, 2018). It recognizes future needs in staffing and the individuals with the capabilities and ability to perform.

Training and Development

Whereas training as well as career development rely on one another, they are two different aspects of success. On the one hand, the former refers to acquisition of important skills needed for a particular job. It targets certain objectives, for example, comprehending how to operate a specific system (Maity, 2019). On the other hand, career development stresses on long-term goals and a wider skillset including creative thinking, decision making, and management of people (Haugen et al., 2019). An element that is similar in both is a constant message. Consistency is vital when it comes to policies and procedures in a company. When the workers are offered with such, they can maintain high levels of uniformity in their performance.

Lastly, it is important to note an employee is more devoted to consumer satisfaction when they have confidence in their capabilities. This is a result of daily mentoring as well as formal training. The effect can be seen beyond every shift, as suggested by Haugen et al. (2019). Well-trained individuals on a career development path know the way their responsibilities better the company’s success. This results in improved customer care and a drop in the lack of accountability.


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