Analysis of Walt Disney in Three Perceptive Operation Steps

Operational Step Responsible Person Timeline
Increasing productivity Rebecca Campbell
(Chairperson in international content and operations)
Latondra Newton (Chief diversity officer)
Peter Rice (General entertainment content)
By the end of 2 years with an increase of 30% productivity and profitability
Increasing efficiency Paul Richardson
(Chief human resource)
Increase by within two years of on the proposed project objective
Reducing costs Paul Richardson
(Chief Human resource)
Brent Woodford
(Controllership, financial planning)
By the end of two financial years. Reduce by 20% costs
Increasing turnover and affiliated companies Brent Woodford
(Controllership, financial planning)
By the end of the first financial year of the proposed project objective. Increase by 50%.

Customer objectives

  • Increase customers’ quality of products interaction
  • Worldwide increase in Walt Disney’s recognition
  • More customers to be satisfied in online services
Operational Step Responsible Person Timeline
Survey on customers’ wants Josh D’ amaro (Chairman e, experience and products)
Kareem Daniel (Entertainment distribution)
Diane Jurgens (chief information officer )
By the end of the two years after the project objective.
Increase public activities with Walt Disney Terry Brinkoetter
(Public relations director)
Alicia Schwarz (compliance officer)
Increase by 30% in two years.
Reduce clicks on Walt Disney websites and reduce ads Michael Paul( Disney streaming) In six months time.

Internal business process objective

  • Increase quality of the market demand and quality of production
  • Become more efficient in trans-departmental projects management
  • Follow up plan on ongoing projects and expenditure
Operational Step Responsible Person Timeline
Calculate market growth and competition in the market niche of the company. Bob Chapek (C.E.O)
Horacio Gutierrez (General counsel and secretary)
And the executive leadership
By the end of three years
Creation of Technical project managers for every project Paul Richardson (Chief human resource ) Before the start of any new projects from the next financial year.
Creation of tools and programs to track programs and expenditures Bob Chapek (CEO)
Brent Woodford (Controllership)
By the end of one year (progress be checked after 6 months)

Walt Disney was analyzed in three perceptive operation steps using the above scorecard. First, from a financial wise we need to increase the company’s productivity to increase its profits. The best way to increase its productivity is to increase the range of content to be hired. The content should vary from all the world’s cultures, significantly growing African and Asian contents. The best people to lead the operation in improving these contents are Rebecca Campbell, who is in charge of international contents and operations, Latondra Newton, chief diversity officer, and Peter Rice, who is in charge of general entertainment content in Walt Disney. Londra N. will help embrace diverse cultures and people in production, while peter will help specify which content is to be produced. To increase the company’s efficiency, the chief human resource, Paul R., is to be involved significantly in talent management or overall management of the company’s resources. The C.H.R. will increase efficiency and help cut costs with Brent Woodford hence growing turnover of the company, which will lead to more profits in the company. In return, the company’s affiliated M&A will also increase profits.

A survey should be done to increase customers’ interaction with products and increase Walt Disney to be recognized worldwide. The company should study how customers perceive their products, and the survey can be done in the form of ads on websites. The survey should also be about what customers would want to see often, the services they would wish Walt Disney to offer, and how they would like the services served. Josh D. should be in charge of this survey because he leads on how people have experienced in the company’s products. Kareem Daniel, a leader in entertainment distribution, knows how their products should be served to their customers, and Diana J. helps in data information because he is the chief information officer. The company should also increase public participation in activities they do with the public. The main aim is to improve how the public perceives them encourage the public to work with them more. The activities will make the public feel that Walt Disney is part of them. The best suited to help out in these activities are Terry Brinkoetter (Public relations director) and Alicia Schwarz (compliance officer). Alicia Schwarz would make sure that whatever activities are done with customers are in line with the company’s expectations.

There should be easy accessibility of the Walt Disney websites. There should be the availability of a few clicks as possible for one to access Walt Disney. In doing so, Michael Paul (Disney streaming) should be in charge of this objective of accessibility.

To increase the quality of production and customers’ quality demand base, they should calculate its market growth and competition in their market niche. Mainly Chief executive officer Bob Chapek (C.E.O.) and Horacio Gutierrez (General Counsel and secretary) should do this. This is because they will help them make overall decisions in the company. There should be the creation of Technical project managers for every project to increase trans-departmental efficiency, and it should be led by Paul R. (chief human resource) because he knows who the best for the role is. There should be the creation of tools and programs to track the programs and expenditures of the company. The one in charge should be C.E.O., controller, and financial manager to know the expense of the company’s money.


Disney – Leadership, History, Corporate Social Responsibility. (2020). The Walt Disney Company. Web. (2020). Marketresearch.Com. Web.

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