Bombardier Inc.’s Quality in General Public View

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. How Does the General Public View the Quality of the Company?
  3. What Does the Company Do to Involve the Customer?
  4. How Is This Company Always Continuously Improving?
  5. How Can Quality Be Measured / Assessed in This Company?
  6. How Does This Company Demonstrate It Cares About Its Customers?
  7. Conclusion
  8. References


Bombardier, Inc. is a Canadian manufacturer of aviation and railroad transportation and is one of the leaders in the industry. The company occupies the fourth position after such giants as Boeing, Airbus, and Comac by the number of produced (and planned) aircraft (Saracyakupoglu, 2019). However, the general public view of the organization’s quality and operations has been controversial. Many critics argued that the company’s reliance on subsidies was too high, which had a negative effect on quality, but the situation is gradually changing.

How Does the General Public View the Quality of the Company?

The general public’s view on the company’s quality is mainly based on the organization’s performance with a focus on its financial operations. As mentioned above, the company has relied heavily on subsidies from the Canadian government, which is negatively viewed by people (Wudrick, 2020). Canadians do not support the idea of praising the company that mitigates the adverse effects of its business decisions by using taxpayers’ money.

At that, the quality of the products is seen as high and competitive in the industry, where quality means customers’ safety. Canadians have a negative attitude towards the company’s history of reliance on governmental subsidies because the company is thought to make wrong business decisions that eventually become losses covered by taxpayers. The lack of proper management that has led to the company’s financial issues has been one of the major criticism Canadians articulated.

What Does the Company Do to Involve the Customer?

Bombardier is now implementing diverse strategies aimed at quality improvement, customer satisfaction enhancement, and the facilitation of sustainable growth. One of the projects developed to attain these goals is the company’s collaboration with Sterling. The project implies improvements in the dispatch of parts, which is critical for its customers, especially when addressing aircraft on-ground situations (Bombardier Inc., 2021). The company uses its information systems to maintain effective communication with customers who provide feedback regularly. This close interaction enables the company to provide products and services that are needed at a specific period of time. The continuous development of the network is also instrumental in addressing customers’ needs in a timely manner.

How Is This Company Always Continuously Improving?

One of the aspects the company pays most attention to is safety and compliance with the existing standards. Bombardier is constantly working on the development of technologically advanced products (Saracyakupoglu, 2019). The company invests considerable funds to develop new materials and compounds or utilize emerging technologies in its production. One of the illustrations of the way the company concentrates on the quality of its product is its rapid reaction to identified defects (“Deutsche Bahn calls on Siemens and Bombardier over train defects,” 2019). Once the flaws are detected, the company eliminates them and provides products of high quality. Another example of the company’s attempts to improve its operations is its recent decision to sell several divisions. The sale of unprofitable divisions and facilities will help Bombardier to address its current financial issues by reducing costs.

How Can Quality Be Measured / Assessed in This Company?

One of the ways to measure the quality of the company under discussion is to consider several aspects. It is necessary to evaluate customer satisfaction, as well as estimate the number of customers’ appeals regarding low (or insufficient quality). Top managers and production managers of Bombardier’s partners should participate in a survey to identify their evaluation of their products’ quality and overall satisfaction with the collaboration between their company and the organization under consideration. The estimation of the financial performance of Bombardier is also important as it will be instrumental in identifying the cost-effectiveness of the strategies aimed at improving quality.

How Does This Company Demonstrate It Cares About Its Customers?

Bombardier tries to show their care about customers and develop advanced services. For instance, the company has introduced a new health monitoring unit that will make the flow of data between maintenance technicians and aircraft systems more effective (Bellamy III, 2021). The system contributes to the improvement of the quality of the company’s products and their maintenance. Such strategies and efforts have a positive impact on quality improvement as well as the development of a positive image among Bombardier’s customers and the general public.

Another example is the case with the German railway company, Deutsche Bahn. Bombardier announced that it removed the defects in all products that have been under production, which is a positive sign showing care about customers. At the same time, these efforts were insufficient as the company did not replace the delivered frames claiming that the flaws did not affect operational safety (“Deutsche Bahn calls on Siemens and Bombardier over train defects,” 2019). Clearly, a more effective strategy would be the replacement of repairment of the defective frames.


In conclusion, it is possible to note that Bombardier has quite effective policies that have a positive effect on constant quality improvement. The organization relies on the use of the latest technologies and innovations in the industry. It also improves its network and services provided to customers trying to make their operations more effective. However, in some cases, Bombardier needs to display more care about its customers. It is critical to provide sound evidence supporting the company’s claims regarding the quality of its products. Defective products need to be replaced or repaired, which will enhance people’s positive attitude to Bombardier. The fact that the organization is reducing its reliance on governmental subsidies improves its image among Canadians who want to see Canadian companies be more competitive and business-driven.


Bellamy III, W. (2021). Bombardier service centers to start free health monitoring upgrade program for challenger operators. Aviation Today. Web.

Bombardier Inc. (2021). Bombardier collaborates with Sterling for enhanced worldwide customer support of parts shipments. Web.

Deutsche Bahn calls on Siemens and Bombardier over train defects. (2019). Railway Technology. Web.

Saracyakupoglu, T. (2019). The qualification of the additively manufactured parts in the aviation industry. American Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 6(1), 1-10. Web.

Wudrick, A. (2020). Bombardier is finally behaving like a normal business after endless subsidies from taxpayers. Financial Post. Web.

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