Developing the Model: The Links That Lead to Business Sustainability

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Proactiveness and innovativeness Proactiveness spurs the employees’ innovative thinking, and, therefore, affects the company’s imitativeness. Despite the fact that innovativeness involves a lot of risk taking, it is considered the key towards building a successful company, and being proactive is extremely important for both the company leader and the staff to create a strong and independent entrepreneurship. Adopting proactive steps will help find unique avenues for the company’s evolution, thus, creating the premises for innovation to bloom. Kim, 2010; Kreiser, Marino, Kuratko & Weaver, 2013; Davis & Kreiser, 2010; Kim, 2010a 104; 274; 40; 105 2; 4; 1; 5
Value creation and innovativeness The creation of company’s values and reconsideration of the entrepreneurial ethics allows for shaping innovativeness of the staff. Often considered one of the most important ingredients for not only the company’s success, but also the firm’s existence along with mission and vision, value creation defines the rates of the staff’s motivation and engagement. The latter two, in their turn, predispose the existence of the environment, in which innovative thinking may exist. Demetris, Alkis, Hela & Dorra, 2012; Chen, Huang & Xioa, 2010; Zoplfagharian & Paswan, 2008; 421; 849;157; 2; 4; 1
Customer intensity and innovativeness Enhancing customer intensity and working on establishing a connection between the customers and the company can be carried out with an increase in the staff’s innovativeness. It is important to realize that the creation of stronger ties with the clientele and the target audience is crucial of the company’s success. As long as an organization puts customer satisfaction and the development of employee–customer relationship at the top of its list of priorities, it can be assumed that the organization is doing relatively fine. Apart from improving the company’s reputation, a stronger reemphasis on the customer relationships may also enhance the company’s innovativeness. By creating new avenues for establishing a better link with the customer, the company will be able to explore its creativity. Hajela, 2013; Hult, Hurley & Knight, 2004; Yang & Tsai, 2013; 37; 430; 1280; 4; 2; 1;
Resource leveraging and innovativeness Reasonable resource leveraging may create the environment that is favorable for innovative thinking in a company. Careful and efficient use of resources is important for enhancing the innovativeness of an organization. As long as the company’s employees and manages have the necessary resources at their disposal, they are capable of being creative and coming up with unusual solutions for regularly reoccurring problems. Ferraresi, Quandt, dos Santos & Frega, 2012; Bao, Shibin & Zhou, 2012; Azadegan , 2011; 689 ; 513; 49 ; 1 ; 4 ; 5
Proactiveness and business sustainability By making the staff proactive and establishing the principles of proactiveness as an entrepreneurial marketing dimension, the company leader can create the environment in which business sustainability may flourish. The link between proactiveness and business sustainability might seem vague, yet a closer look at the specifics of these relationships will help realize the significance of proactive behavior. Proactiveness allows for finding the incponsistencies in the current usiness policies of the company, as well as search for the adequate solutions to address these inconsistencies in a timely manner. Mitra, Dhar, & Agrawal, 2008; Gawel, 2012; Mort & Humee, 2012 10; 71; 190 2; 1; 6
Value creation and business sustainability Value creation contributes to improving the business sustainability to a considerable extent. Creating the company values and reconsidering the existing ethical principles, the organization’s leaders build the environment that is highly favorable for improving the staff’s motivation. More to the point, new communication principles based on knowledge sharing can be introduced into the company. Thus, the premises for a better communication between the members of different company departments are created and, therefore, the sustainability of the firm is improved. Gore & Blood, 2007; Blaga, 2013; Amit & Zott, 2011 3; 5; 501 1; 4; 3
Customer intensity and business sustainability The intensity of relationships with the customer and the quality of connection with the latter, as well as the analysis of the feedback gathered from the clientele affects the business sustainability greatly. Interactions with the company’s customers and its target audience affect the quality of connection between the organization and its clients. As a result, the feedback is gathered and processed in a more efficient way, which allows for developing clear and direct instructions for the departments of the company. The clarity in the instructions defines the efficacy of communication between the representatives of different departments and the coordination of their actions, thus., creating sustainable organizational environment. Thomas & Lamm, 2011; The sustainability challenge, 2012; Jeffers, 2010 192; 16; 262 7; 2; 4
Resource leveraging and business sustainability Careful resource leveraging improves the sustainability of a specific business. It is important to realize that, by carrying out thorough calculations of the resources that will be required for the production process, as well as the key financial transactions, one can conjure a financial strategy that will facilitate sustainability in the company. Worley & Feyerherm, 2010; Seebode & Sally, 2012; Langella & Dao, 2011 270; 195; 66; 1; 3; 1
Innovativeness and business sustainability Innovativeness of the company’s leader and its staff enhances the sustainability of the business. Innovativeness presupposes that not only new tools should be used for solving the recurring problems, but also that new avenues for addressing old issues should be found. For instance, by creating a new system of supply chain management powered by modern information management principles, one can save on the logistics processes and, thus, provide financial support to the departments that require it. Sayem, 2012; Binder, 2012; Wysokinska, 2012; Eng, 2011 116; 562; 5; 255 1; 3; 1; 2.
Innovativeness, proactiveness and business sustainability In SMEs, innovativeness may improve the relationships between proactiveness of the company’s leader and its staff and the business sustainability greatly. Innovativeness may contribute to the proactiveness of the staff by offering the latter new media tools for coordinating the actions between the departments. As a result, the balance between the work of different company departments can be provided. Though it will take a while for the staff to get used to new communication tools, the effects are going to be impressive. Demirci, 2013; Kuscer, 2013; Davis & Bloom, 2009 42;48; 1403 3; 1; 2
Value creation, innovativeness and business sustainability In SMEs, innovativeness affects the relationships between the process of value creation and the establishment of business sustainability considerably. Seeing how the company’s innovativeness and sustainability are linked through the concept of efficient communication and information sharing, one must admit that the creation of values enhancing information sharing shapes the susatainability of the firm a lot. Skawinska & Zalewski, 2013; Cerne, 2012; Crespell, Knowles & Hansen, 2006 120; 195; 570 1; 1; 3.
Customer intensity, innovativeness and business sustainability Innovativeness is one of the key forces that affect the relationships between customer intensity and business sustainability in a company. Searching for the new mean to solve standard issues that a company traditionally faces as soon as it starts expanding through the lens of innovation is much easier than with the help of the traditional methods. Innovativeness presupposes that new forms of media, including social networking and online advertising, should be incorporated into the company’s strategies. As a result, it becomes much easier to reach out for the customers and at the same time maintain balance between the company departments. González-Mieres & Santos-Vijande, 2013; Muthuveloo, 2013 ; Gundry, 2014 91; 17; 3 1; 4; 1
Resource leveraging, innovativeness and business sustainability Innovativeness of a company has a tangible effect on the relationships between its resource leveraging strategies and its sustainability. Finding the balance for the resources disposal, which can facilitate the sustainability of the company is not an easy task. It requires that every major process should be observed closely and that the outcomes of these processes should be. However, with the inclusion of innovativeness principles into the company’s policy, it will be easier to find non-trivial approaches towards the given task. Dibrell, Craig & Hansen, 2011; Hazoor & Masood, 2013; Younhee, 2010 471; 670; 784 1; 2; 1


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