Emirates Airlines Foundation Analysis

EAF Description

The Emirates Airline Foundation Company specializes in humanitarian assistance, charity, and other activities that are intended to help people who have particular needs or seek aid. The organization might be considered non-profitable as its employees, projects, and other actions are supported by the financial and Internal Audit departments of the Emirates Group. The primary goal of Emirates Airline Foundation is to help people who do not have housing, food, clothes, appropriate medicaments, and education. Although the fact of such people’s needs is not discussed by mass media, many families in the Third World Countries cannot afford to buy even clear water as their average incomes vary from twenty to thirty dollars per month. The central objective of EAF is to reduce the world’s poverty rate and save individuals (especially, children) who do not have any finances to live in accordance with high standards.

EAF Mission &Values

The EAF Company focuses on providing humanitarian assistance to children from low-income families and societies. Therefore, its mission is to give young people an opportunity to realize themselves in this world. In particular, the charity organization provides children with all the necessary materials and aid to help them obtain proper education and well-paid jobs in the future.

All people, who work for the Emirates Airline Foundation, think that it is not fair that residents of developed countries have better lives than their peers from some Third World Commonwealths. The primary value of the EAF team is the life of a human as it cannot be ruined due to such factors as economic issues or unfavorable locations of people’s habitats. It is also essential for the corporation to make the entire world’s population equal. The company’s philosophy says that all the resources on Earth should be allocated among the planet’s inhabitants, regardless of their homes’ dislocations.

EAF Portfolio

The Emirates Airline Foundation Company has multiple projects included in its portfolio. All these missions are intended to address the needs of vulnerable populations from the states of India, Africa, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. These are the main destinations of the airline corporation that supports all the charitable activities performed by EAF. The portfolio management of the company has some benefits that let it organize charitable processes and missions. For instance, it is much easier to allocate and utilize resources among EAF projects optimally. Also, the portfolio management implication supports particular projects of the UAE corporation constantly. In turn, the possibility of different conflicts’ occurrence during the organization processes is reduced to the minimum. Appropriate project management also lets the company’s employees coordinate among their mutual projects better and faster.

Portfolio of every company or its program should include several strategic plans to identify the main purposes and objectives of the chosen activity.

EAF Project Management Office

PMO department specializes in coordinating, gathering necessary information, and operating different projects considered by employees of the EAF Company. Also, the workers of PMO should monitor the organization’s budgets and expenses that are presented in the form of tables or graphs for a better understanding and visual tendencies’ analyses. The PMO managers coordinate their colleagues to help them accomplish and plan particular tasks within one of the corporation’s projects.

EAF PMO Strengths & Deficits

The first advantage of the discussed department is its workers’ ability to allocate the available financial means among people, who live in need, from different countries. The project management office specialists can identify the number of supplies required by inhabitants of both zones. Also, they define the cost of the help provision (purchasing different items ad delivery). This ability is sometimes essential when many locations seek help from outside as all the budget money has to be organized and divided among vulnerable populations accurately.

It is essential to record such data as the company’s expenses, the benefits of the successful project, and so on. Therefore, the sound recommendation for the given issue is to remove and not mention all the details of every project as such an informational burden distracts readers from the main points that should be considered when analyzing a certain event.

EAF Projects

The corporation’s superiors support vulnerable populations of developing countries by providing clear water and food to these people as the locations mentioned above always have the lack of these resources. Also, EAF aims at building shelters and educating children and adolescents who live in poverty as this is the only way for them to realize their potential in this world. The number of annual projects of the charitable company varies every year, which makes it impossible to give a precise figure as to the events’ quantity. However, it is known that EAF workers are involved in twenty-one missions in the year of 2017. The only credible data source says that Emirates Airlines Foundation is supported by the profits gained from multiple flights between international airports.

Project Lifecycle & Phase’s Structure

There are three stadia that are widely used to determine various projects’ progress. The first phase of identification might be considered synonymous with the first lifecycle step (scope). This level requires participants to set possible goals, develop the name of the project, and discuss the main points of its further realization. The next stage is the define phase that includes such activities as planning and elaborating on the decisions adopted previously to make them more productive and efficient. The last executing phase implies the realization of the planned mission and recording its outcomes to compare them with the original plan and schedule.

The Emirates Friendship Hospital Ship Project

The Emirates Friendship Hospital Ship is situated in a place that almost all Bangladeshi have access to, regardless of their habitats’ locations. Also, the hospital is based on the floating ship, which is considered to be very creative and efficient as it does not occupy the territory of the Third World country. The managers from the Emirates Airlines Foundation project management office state that the ship is floating and does not have any concrete foundation. The construction of the medical institution is weak. It is necessary to stabilize the ship and fix it at one place to prevent various possible oscillations that might be caused even by minor waves. This factor is very important as doctors’ work always requires accuracy.

The Big Pen School Project

The main strength and advantage of The Big Pen School projects is its dislocation. The educational institution is situated in one of the poorest districts of Nairobi, which gives people, who live in poverty, an ability to acquire education and develop professional skills useful in their future careers. The main weakness of the project is the fact that The Big Pen School was renovated. It would be more rational to demolish the old building and erect another one. Such a step would let the construction team extend the size of the school to fit more students.

Kidane Mehret Children’s Home Project

The primary strength of the project is the ability to place many children in it at the same time. Unfortunately, many infants from Ethiopia are born out of wedlock. Therefore, the number of children living in this facility always increases. It is essential to mention that the facility’s interior is constantly renovated according to the modern living standards. Also, children have all the conveniences required for a comfortable life. However, it is highly recommended to improve the level of pre-school education in the orphanage to prepare children for the primary education appropriately.

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