Employee Rewards and Recognition

Table of Contents
  1. Responsible Department
  2. Specific Employee Goal
  3. Motivation Theory
  4. Practicality and Effectiveness of the Theory
  5. Proposed Rewards and Recognitions
  6. Communication Tool
  7. Conclusion
  8. References

The developed reward and recognition program is intended to motivate and maximize the level of employee job satisfaction in a clinical department. The strategy is timely, evidence-based, and capable of supporting the delivery of positive results. The involvement of all key stakeholders, including project leaders and employees, is critical to ensure that the outlined objectives are eventually realized. The intended rewards and recognition program seeks to encourage more clinicians to become more motivated and ready to maximize patient satisfaction.

Responsible Department

The presence of several departments in the identified large health care organization needs to inform the best approach to introduce and implement the proposed recognition and reward program. For the institution, the clinical department needs to benefit from the initiative since it undertakes most of the medical practices intended to meet patients’ needs. The unit has many workers who operate in different capacities to support individuals and ensure that they record improved medical outcomes. By implementing the new program, most of the practitioners will become more motivated, aware of some of the existing challenges, and be ready to improve their philosophies continuously (Schmidt, 2019). The successful implementation of the program will increase organizational performance and make the institution a leading provider of personalized medical services.

Specific Employee Goal

The effectiveness of the suggested program will depend on the employees’ willingness to be involved throughout the process. However, the project is designed in such a way that the beneficiaries will focus on key goals and achievements. Specifically, the program seeks to motivate and reward nurses, physicians, and clinicians for recording improved patient satisfaction levels. The reasoning behind this objective is that it encompasses all desirable medical practices and care delivery processes that can meet the changing needs of the targeted individuals (Meena et al., 2019). To improve patients’ outcomes and experiences, proper care coordination, service delivery, cultural competence, attentive listening, inclusion of family members in decision making, and ethical practices should be integrated throughout the process.

The consideration of this specific objective is critical since it will guide all employees in the clinical department to complete their roles in a professional manner. The responses gained from different patients will dictate the effectiveness, commitment, and professionalism of the caregivers (Ramdan et al., 2021). The emerging information would be useful towards making timely rewards to the workers, thereby encouraging them to continue being motivated and capable of delivering positive results. The promotion of this goal will ensure that the medical facility is on the right path towards achieving its goals.

Motivation Theory

Goal-setting theory is the model of choice for supporting the introduction and implementation of the proposed program. According to Gkizani and Galanakis (2022), this framework guides organizational leaders to use measurable, attainable, and specific objectives as a unique strategy for engaging employees. When the individuals are aware of the intended results, they will focus on the outlined activities and processes to ensure that timely results are recorded. The application of the theory will allow more followers to become involved, ready to complete additional roles, and eventually improve organizational profitability.

To maximize the level of employee engagement, the HR department would need to ensure that the outlined goal is stated in a clear manner. The individuals will learn more about the recorded challenge and remain committed to achieve it (Ramdan et al., 2021). Those in leadership positions or managers of the program will need to provide feedback. The identification of the complexities associated with tasks will encourage more workers to remain committed and involved. Consequently, they will improve their behaviors, emotions, and philosophies in an effort to achieve the specific goal. Through the use of this theory, the project leaders will make it possible for the followers to have a sense of direction since complex tasks would be subdivided into simpler and attainable goals.

Practicality and Effectiveness of the Theory

The selected goal-setting stands out as the most effective and practical tool for ensuring that the introduced program is successful. From the above sections, it is evident that the intended objective is for the selected clinical department to report increasing levels of patient satisfaction. This evidence-based goal resonates with the overall expectations of many hospitals across the world (Gkizani & Galanakis, 2022). The idea of beginning with an objective for the proposed rewards and recognition program is in tandem with the goal-setting theory. Schmidt (2019) believes that the concept of relying on aims or objectives is essential and capable of guiding followers to focus on the best results.

For the selected unit, the program managers will be aware of the attributes and principles of the goal-setting theory and apply them accordingly. The concept of a SMART objective would guide them throughout the implementation phases. For the specific case, the intended aim is to ensure that the targeted patients report increased levels of satisfaction (Schmidt, 2019). The leaders focusing on the model will enlighten the targeted followers about the intended goal and how it will attract specific recognitions and rewards, such as increased salaries, gifts, and additional equipment. Some exemplary practitioners could win holiday trips for identifying and working towards achieving the outlined goal.

The involved participants will remain committed to realize the identified objective, promote teamwork, and liaise with their respective partners. The leaders will offer timely feedback based on the recorded performance and how it supports the intended goals (Ricca & Antonio, 2021). By redefining most of the tasks associated with the SMART goal to ensure that they are achievable, it would be possible for the level of performance to improve. The recorded gains in patient satisfaction would, therefore, dictate how and who needs to be recognized and rewarded in accordance with the implemented program.

Proposed Rewards and Recognitions

Employees remain more involved and motivated when the existing organizational culture, leadership, and support systems are favorable. Following the introduction of the proposed program, it would be necessary to consider the best rewards and recognitions that could empower and guide more practitioners to focus on the identified goal. Through continuous motivation, the workers will be aware of their tasks and the best strategies to maximize their gains (Erfiyan et al., 2022). The overall outcome is that the facility will become a leading provider of personalized and high-quality services.

The first recognition for exemplary performance is that of featuring top clinicians on the hospital’s website and newsletters. The selected practitioner would be identified and described based on his or her achievements towards improving patient satisfaction (Ricca & Antonio, 2021). This kind of reward would be recognized using a performance certificate that could be included in the individuals’ curriculum vitae. The second type of recognition would be that of appointing competent clinicians to become role models and undertake additional leadership roles. Such additional tasks would be associated with increased remunerations to continue motivating and empowering the professionals.

To support the outlined two recognitions, the program would need to introduce additional rewards for top performers in care delivery and patient satisfaction. The first one would be the use of gifts to identify and ensure that excellent nurse practitioners and physicians are motivated and capable of delivering additional care to their patients (Gkizani & Galanakis, 2022). The second reward would be the provision of fully paid holiday trips and vacations for the best workers after a period of four months. This strategy is timely and capable of encouraging more practitioners to continue meeting the changing needs of their respective patients.

Communication Tool

The email presented below will be used to communicate to the clinicians in the selected department about the intended rewards and recognition program.

To All Medical Professionals,
Clinical Department,
RE: Proposed Rewards and Recognition Program

We are pleased to announce the implementation of a new program intended to reward and recognize top performers in the mentioned department. The initiative targets the contributions of all healthcare workers, including nurses, clinicians, physicians, dentists, dieticians, dermatologists, and caregivers.

The guiding goal for this initiative is that of patient satisfaction in the department. Individuals would qualify for the proposed rewards if they work diligently to ensure that the outlined SMART objective is realized. The key indicator would be the response each patient provides after getting the needed medical support from the department.

The intended rewards would include fully paid holiday trips and increased remunerations. The first identified recognition entails featuring top performers on the hospital’s newsletter and website (Meena et al., 2019). The second is the identification of additional leadership roles combined with the provision of a performance certificate to denote excellence.

HR Manager


The outlined program is capable of delivering desirable goals if all key stakeholders are involved. The use of goal-setting theory to introduce a SMART objective is timely and capable of supporting the proposed initiative. The identified recognitions include featuring top performance on the organization’s newsletter or website and provision of performance certificates. Key rewards would include trip and remunerations. Such considerations will ensure that the targeted clinicians are informed and willing to be part of the process to maximize patient satisfaction.


Erfiyan, A., Adam, M., & Kesuma, T. M. (2022). The effect of organizational commitment and service quality on patient satisfaction mediated by employee performance in Tgk.abdullah Syafi’i Beureunuen Regional General Hospital. International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, 5(4), 125-139. Web.

Gkizani, A. M., & Galanakis, M. (2022). Goal setting theory in contemporary businesses: A systematic review. Psychology, 13(1), 420-426. Web.

Meena, S., Girija, T., & Visagamoorthi, D. (2019). Influence of rewards and recognition on employees’ motivation and job performance: Path analysis approach. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 12(12), 1-5. Web.

Ramdan, D. S., Elrhman, S. M. A., & Abdel-ELRahman, T. A. (2021). Relationship between nurses’ motivation and patients’ satisfaction in dialysis units in Minia city. Minia Scientific Nursing Journal, 10(1), 55-67. Web.

Ricca, R., & Antonio, F. (2021). The effect of quality care on patient loyalty mediated with patient satisfaction and moderated by age and gender (Study in outpatients at a private hospital). International Journal of Applied Business and International Management, 6(2), 96-112. Web.

Schmidt, G. B. (2019). The need for goal-setting theory and motivation constructs in lean management. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 12(3), 121-254. Web.

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