Rebalance Business Case Study

Synoptic Overview

Detail of the Project

Rebalance project is based on the feast box company located in the UK and targets single and married generation Z, Indians living in the United Kingdom. The project was launched in 2015 and shipped almost ten million ingredients across the small farms in the United Kingdom. Therefore, the primary campaign of the project is an act of kindness and making it the norm of the project. However, the major competitors of the Rebalance projects are the Mindful Chef and the Simply Cook, which are based on subscription services (Facchini et al., 2018). The project provides ingredients and recipe cards to busy cooks and provides special meals using ingredients from Asia and globally. The brand name of the project is Feast Box which incorporates hand-made and simple blends of meals. Rebalance business is faced by stiff competition in the industry through other companies providing undifferentiated products that increase competition.

However, there are also potential competitors entering the industry, which is contributed to the availability of a variety of goods and services in the market. The Rebalance business outlines the target markets of each niche in the market. However, the target market focused on the broader market range. The target market of the Rebalance business project was students from generation Z and working-class members from the UK. The project also caters to generation X Full Nest people, where prompt service delivery is made to them (Facchini et al., 2018). The project incorporates communication strategies to achieve its objectives through public relations and marketing communications. The project targets a more customer base during Christmas and black Fridays, where the main objective is to make sales of ten thousand units. Rebalance project achieves its objectives through market segmentation, positioning, and target marketing (STP).

Overview of the Business

The Rebalance business deals with the manufacture of spice blends and ingredients and distributes them across the UK and worldwide. The business targets single and married generation Z Indians living in the UK. The business is one of the well-known companies in the food industry, which competes with other larger corporations like Amazon. The business uses social media marketing and online platforms in marketing itself on the market. Thus, enabling it to create awareness of the product brand that it offers to its customers (Gorb et al., 2016). The business uses YouTube, Facebook, and other social media platforms to attract its targeted audience. This enabled the business to increase its customer base and target market, respectively (Facchini et al., 2018). Rebalance business has a broader audience in the UK, Asia, and other parts of the world through its more robust marketing strategy than its competitors.

Skills Developed throughout the Module

Some of the skills developed through the module are marketing strategy skills, where our group understood that target marketing must be based on the broader market range. However, as entrepreneurs, we must be capable of creating awareness worldwide to gain customer reputation as the Rebalance business gained trust through prompt delivery of meals to its customers (Gorb et al., 2016). Marketers should understand the needs of their customers and the best way to satisfy them. Another set of skills gained is an extensive research skill in market research that leads to successful entities. The skills developed are marketing research skills, consultancy, IT, teamwork, and analytical skills, which ensured the development of an effective consultancy process.

Market research is used as a marketing tool between marketers and consumers. Consultancy skills have also been essential throughout this course as they help in the creation of public awareness of a business in increasing its market base. Teamwork skills, analytical skills, and IT skills have also been helpful in social media marketing, creating good conduct with the consumers, and analyzing the available target segments and targets. Teamwork skills have been developed through effective collaboration with other large corporations to increase the market audience and gain consultancy skills. The skills developed helped us to work on this Rebalance project effectively and efficiently.

Key Decisions Taken on the Client Project

There are some critical decisions that I undertook that helped shape the nature of the project on Rebalance Company. Some of these critical decisions include determining its key competitors, the porters’ five forces model, the marketing competition, and much more. Determining the key competitors is crucial as it will help Rebalance plan itself better and understand its main competitors in the market. Rebalance faces competition from companies such as Mindful Chef, Simply Cook, Feastbox, and much more (Facchini et al., 2018).

Therefore, during the consultancy program, I made sure that I understood these competitors and their target markets. These target markets are an essential part of the consultancy programs as it helps Rebalance understand the competitors it is facing in the industry. A company has to understand the market it is operating and one of the key ways it can determine this is by conducting a porter’s five forces model.

The food industry experts to be an imaginative café, which combines a different menu with a drawing in feeling. We intend to give excellent food and administration, with the customer’s fulfillment the main concern. We expect that the average sort of client for Rebalance will be old and youthful people, both single and couples. Attending to them, the business can become profoundly gifted and prepared experts and build up a submitted labor force. The business has planned an investment opportunity program for experts and positions in the industry. This will finance the lower pay base and diminish the underlying overhead, and furthermore welcome gifted representative.

Marketing is one of the essential aspects of any industry, and Rebalance is investing in becoming a marketing leader in the health-focused food industry. The food industry is one of the most challenging and competitive industries in the United Kingdom, and Rebalance is positioning itself to gain a competitive advantage. Therefore, the consultancy report took some critical decisions, such as focusing on the communication strategy. Communication strategies are critical factors in a company’s communication plan, and the consultancy report had to select the best two options for Rebalance company (Soboleva & Parshutina, 2016).

These two communication strategies, marketing communications, and public relations, are key to helping Rebalance attain its goals. Another critical decision that the report made is selecting the specific target market using various forms of marketing. The UK health-food industry is very competitive, and Rebalance needs to use different marketing strategies such as broadcast advertising, promotion and pricing, social media, and much more to reach their target markets. These are some of the key decisions that the consultancy report has made on behalf of Rebalance.

Evidence of Activities Undertaken

Through evidence and activities that Rebalance company will be using, it will enable it to maintain its market share and remain stiff in the competition. Rebalance should be able to take risks that will help the company improve on its standards. The implication of various market strategies will help the restaurant improve its market (Tosun, 2017). Different kinds of market strategies such as branding and the use of unique logos will help the consumers have an easy time identifying and noticing the Rebalance products. Being innovative and inventive will allow the restaurant to focus on product improvement to meet the customers’ demands and needs. Also, the act of innovation will help the restaurant develop new ideas that will help them improve the mode of customer service and implement other means that will accommodate the consumers.

Rebalance company should be able to maintain its culture through the immense competition it will be facing. Through the cultural adaption of the Rebalance company, it will be able to have the taste and preferences of the customers. Through this adaptation, the restaurant will have a chance to know the kind and type of food that the residents like and how they prefer it to be prepared.

The company will attract more of its consumers in the surrounding area through this market adaptation. Also, the Rebalance restaurant should have an excellent commercial advertisement that will help it reach more clients and attract more consumers and promote more profit (Wang et al., 2018). The act of good hospitality will enable the hotel to attain and meet good service to the consumers which will be able to achieve the customer’s satisfaction. Exemplary service will enable workflow in the hotel to run more effectively in that there will be no overflow of the duties.

Rebalance companies will be able to venture into strategies that are local so as to attain their objectives. Through this, the restaurant will be able to meet its client’s wants and needs. With this kind of approach, the hotel will enable the restaurant to reopen other branches. Through the market plan, Rebalance will be able to use various approaches that will enable it to get and attract more consumers (Wang et al., 2018). These methods include a promotion that will enable the restaurant to reach more of its clients and attract even more consumers. The Rebalance company will use the 4 Ps used in the market mix (Tosun, 2017). This kind of approach will enable the hotel to attain its target and satisfy its clients’ needs and wants. The 4ps include price, promotion, people, and physical evidence.

CPD Records and the Code of Conduct

CPD code of conduct will apply to all employees, from managers to staff members. The code of conduct will help the restaurant to set or implement some of the policies that will lead to the Rebalance restaurant’s improvement. Through this, it helps Rebalance company to grow and maintain its consumers. Moreover, it will help the restaurant to be innovative and generate new opportunities for the company (Murray & Ward, 2019). The code of conduct will manage all the working staff members to be able to practice the essence of the ethical mode of standard, and also it helps to protect the Rebalance’s reputation.

Rebalance company through the use of the code of conduct will enable the staff to work together as a team and also to be able to respect one another during working hours. Through this practice, the company will be able to attain equity (Murray & Ward, 2019). It will increase access in that it creates room for employees to be able to grow professionally and also have the best mode that will improve their working skills which will be done through training. It will also improve workplace safety and health measures for the consumers (Murray & Ward, 2019). This will ensure that all standards of food health will be maintained. Rebalance company will be able to make and come up with correct decisions whenever a problem arises.

Reflection on the Consultancy Process and Experience

This document has been created to acknowledge the completion of the project, which focused on Rebalance Company setup. The project specifically targeted working and middle-class professionals. It is a London-based subscription company that has majored in diet and nutrition. Its marketing campaign is targeting young people to ensure that it has gained a created a strong brand.

Following a brief summary of the company’s key competitors and porter’s five forces of competition, we presented the findings of the company’s marketing report (Soboleva & Parshutina, 2016). The report included factors such as the communication strategy, target market, and marketing communication channel. Benefits associated with social media marketing were offered with the support of ‘The Future Timeline’ and ‘The Model of Strategic Growth.’ I applied the Customers Focus and Innovation Module when I used the 7P’s for marketing.

One of the significant events for the Rebalance Company consultancy was project planning. The group consented to archive many words each week to stay away from the issue of delay in finishing and presenting the report. The final compilation of the report was produced using the bits of material made during the earlier weeks. Another benefit of recording pieces in the week in which they happen is that recollections are more precise when reported in a period no longer from the event of the occasions (Kuhlmann & Vogeler, 2020). Nonetheless, reflection expects somebody to remove time from the events. The blend of the two contemplations assisted us with having realities of how they had occurred, just as permitting us an opportunity to isolate from occasions to make a target impression of results and assumptions.

In this part, I realized that project planning and perceiving limitations to project completion are fundamental for fruitful task fulfillment. I consider the undertaking productive because it was completed within the timelines, the quality was verified as excellent, and the expense was negligible. The headliner in the venture was the market overview, which we directed in the downtown area. I figured out how to approach individuals who I was meeting interestingly. There were two alternatives that we might have used to frame groups for the review. In one, we might have separated ourselves into two groups and gone to various spaces of the city.

In the other alternative, we might have functioned as a solitary group and picked various spots in the city at various times (Kuhlmann & Vogeler, 2020). In these methodologies, we needed to build the number of individuals who acknowledged becoming respondents to our study. Expanding the size of a group creates validity, yet it reduces the pace of conducting the overview. To adjust the compromise between credibility and rate of completion, we decided to lead the review as two groups in various pieces of the city at various times.

In this event, I realized a challenge when a significant number of individuals wouldn’t participate in the review as respondents. A decent presentation with another respondent expanded the opportunity of leading a reputable study. I urge the group to perceive that the market review is the main piece of our venture. I caused them to comprehend that various individuals have various purposes behind declining to be met or to fill in a poll. They could be in a rush. Others could see that the survey is excessively long for their necessary time. We needed to survey reasons why individuals could decline to be met (Kuhlmann & Vogeler, 2020). We made plans to consider the little part of the sample that was acknowledged to be our respondents. We evaluated the information collection process as a triumph, given that the individuals who accepted were a decent part of the total number of the individuals who were requested.

Before my consultancy service with Rebalance Company, I experienced anxiety because I considered the company a big client. The marketing campaign was new to me, but I found it interesting, and it provided an opportunity to acquire new skills and augment my skills and knowledge about the food industry. Probably the company has received better reports from other consultants. However, the anxious feelings changed when I met with the client, after which they expressed that they had great expectations of my findings and recommendations for their brand development (Tosun, 2017). They saw me as an experienced person who could offer new findings and suggestions that would help in marketing their brand. While conducting the market survey, I felt threatened because of the numerous resources that were required to collect market data. However, I gradually reached a point of acceptance when I decided to work on the data that I was able to collect from the market survey of the food industry.

The consultancy experience helped in understand the situation in the food industry better. It enabled me to understand how customers in the food market behave and how best to target them in order to attract and retain them (Tosun, 2017). Despite the challenges I experienced, I was inspired by the fact that I wanted to make a difference to my client by helping them market and develop their brand. I was confident in the value that I could add to the client. I did not know a lot about the client of the food industry, but I certainly learned much from them, as well as they did from me (Tosun, 2017). The most significant issue I experienced throughout the consultation was ensuring that the main was being addressed. Through working with staff from the company, I developed relationship-building skills, as well as an ability to build rapport. The experience was laborious and, at times, difficult, but it was a good learning experience. I gained an authentic knowledge of working as a business consultant. I was able to liaise with stakeholders and the marketing team in order to understand the organization’s marketing objectives for the campaign.


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