Surpass Freight Transport, Packaging and Logistics Company Analysis

Executive Summary

“Surpass Freight Transport, Packaging, and Logistics Company” will be registered and licensed to operate as a general partnership. The business will be owned and fully managed by the family in possession. The business that will be located in California, has acquired all the necessary legal documents to become fully operational. Owners of the business have identified a gap in the transport, packaging, and logistics industry to propose their innovative services. They will include but will not be limited to packaging, transporting, and offering logistic services to clients within and beyond the United States. In general, the business will provide customers with first-class services that will cater to their needs. The company is responsible for the implementation of all rules and regulations concerning the freight transport, packaging, and logistics and has the potential for favorable and fair competition in the market.

The company is ready to prove to its customers that reliable service providers that observe honesty, integrity, and excellence in delivery still exist. As a matter of fact, nothing promotes staff retention more than a conducive and flexible work environment. That is why “Surpass Freight Transport, Packaging, and Logistics Company” aims to create a flexible, comfortable, and healthy work environment that will motivate team members to work harder and feel appreciated. The business will be fully financed by Surpass Livingston that has experience and solid reputation in transportation and logistics for more than five years.

Business Description

“Surpass Freight Transport, Packaging, and Logistics Company” is formed to provide transport, packaging, and logistic services to all prospective customers (Hansen et al., 2014). Moreover, all customers will be provided with access to Relationship Management and Consultancy services for the same line of business. The business will be registered as a general partnership and located in California, the United States. The company’s management team will actualize its vision and mission. By providing clients, partners, and employees with a conducive work environment, the organization will develop its brand and achieve maximum profits based on honesty, loyalty, and integrity from provided services. It also aims to create an organizational culture that advocates for timely delivery of the services to clients and ensure they receive excellent quality for their money.

Mission Statement

The main goal of “Surpass Freight Transport, Packaging, and Logistics Company” is to create a transport and logistics business that serves clients’ needs beyond their expectations in the United States of America.

Type of Business

The company will be registered as a general partnership business in the category of the transport and logistics industry.


Surpass Freight Transport, Packaging, and Logistics Company


The headquarters will be located in California, the United States of America.

Product/Service Description

The provision of services in the sphere of transportation, packaging, and logistics.

Market and Industry Analysis

Customer Profile

Being in the logistics and transport industry, the company foresees a high probability of working with age groups ranging from 18-70 who have goods and services that they require to be moved between two different locations. The company’s business profile favors both genders in the market. It looks forward to an equal percentage share of 50% to all the men and women that will need its services.

Market Segment

In general, the target market consists of active businesses (individual entrepreneurs, retailers, operators of warehouses, and merchants) in the United States that want their materials, goods, and documents to be moved from one location to another or need logistic services to relocate their residence (Kotler, 2016). The brand will focus on its customers’ age group, their source of income, and their line of business. By focusing on this segmentation, it will be able to meet their wants and needs and create long-lasting relationships that will improve the services’ quality and optimize marketing strategies.


“Surpass Freight Transport, Packaging, and Logistics Company” will face competition with existing firms and new similar businesses joining the market, and the main competitor is DHL. Its management team has been able to perform so well that the company provides shipments around the year (Rajendran, 2020). It has embraced a competitive advantage of using high-quality technology that has enabled it to deliver timely and reliable services. However, due to competition, the company had to limit its market growth and currently faces threats to losing some of its wavering clients. That is why “Surpass Freight Transport, Packaging, and Logistics Company” should focus on development, innovations, and offering timely, quality, cheap, convenient, and reliable services. With consultancy services, it will survive the competitive market and attract a mass following.

Sales and Marketing

Method of Sales

The sales method that will be adopted by “Surpass Freight Transport, Packaging, and Logistics Company” is desirable. The business’s locality in a highly populated state will also serve as a method of selling services. The company will pen down introductory letters and brochures to all the people and businesses in California looking for partners. Business cards and flyers will be strategically dropped to business prospects; attending business expos and using social media for advertising will be beneficial as well.

Advertising and Promotion

Advertising will be through digital and print media platforms, utilizing all the social media platforms, and distributing flyers to all our prospective customers. Ensuring that all our staff is fully branded will play a key role in advertising and promoting our business. The company will install billboards along the streets of California to advertise our services to the public. The customer care and sales and marketing team will be required to engage all prospective customers on call and inform them about our brand.


The company’s slogan will be “Let it surpass your imagination.”


The company’s ownership is a general partnership. The top management will comprise of the general manager who will also assume the roles of the human resource officer, and the operations manager who will also perform the accountant officer’s roles. The rest of the team will be made of the business development officer, systems developer, freights packaging, transport, and logistics manager. Once the business will be fully stabilized, the company will recruit the legal team, the CEO, and the board of directors.

Resume of Key Managers and Their Functions

General Manager

  • Design and development of strategies that will improve the quality and productivity of the business;
  • Design of profitable business plans;
  • Assisting in the preparation of budgets and management of company expenses;
  • Performing HR functions.

Operations Manager

  • Management of budgets concerning the planning process for the company;
  • Ensuring of proper and smooth communication among company departments;
  • Training, leading, and mentoring staff to achieve the company vision;
  • Carrying out the HR functions for the company.

Business Development Officer

  • Identifying, prioritizing, and reaching out to new opportunities;
  • Business research, feasibility studies, and market surveys for all the clients;
  • Development and evaluation of new ideas to expand the business;
  • Representing the company in all the strategic meetings.

Systems Developer

  • Testing and modifying company systems to ensure that they are running and reliable;
  • Writing and testing codes using development tools to carry out tests and develop the solutions;
  • Documenting and drawing up operation manuals;
  • Determining faulty systems, diagnosing and fixing system errors;
  • Carrying out tests and modifying systems to ensure that their operation is reliable.

Freight Packaging Transport and Logistics Manager

  • Working as the project manager by directly supervising employees;
  • Maintaining and enforcing transport, packaging, and logistic standards;
  • Allocating and recording the movement of resources in the transport planning system;
  • Provision of smooth operations in the supply chain discipline;
  • Management of the physical distribution of logistics consultancy services.


Hansen, W., Hovi, I. B., & Veisten, K. (2014). Logistics costs in Norway: Comparing industry survey results against calculations based on a freight transport model. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 17(6), 485-502.

Kotler, P. (2016). A framework for marketing management. Pearson Education.

Rajendran, S. (2020). Improving the performance of global courier & delivery services industry by analyzing the voice of customers and employees using text analytics. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 1-21.

Spiller, L. D., Kim, D. H., & Aitken, T. (2020). Sales education in the United States: Perspectives on curriculum and teaching practices. Journal of Marketing Education, 42(3), 217-232.

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