Total Quality Management Project Report

This report aims to describe the quality management framework of the Efroh Corporation, a company established in 2018. The company is certified by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the State of California as a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business (SDVOSB). It serves the needs of the Department of Defense, the State of California, and the local corporate community. According to Our service (n.d.), it provides logistics services, invests in affordable housing projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, and supplies a diverse variety of IT and support services. As such, the firm offers numerous and distinct products, and it is essential for its success that each of its offerings is of the highest quality. To that end, Efroh Corporation has adopted a comprehensive Total Quality Management framework that will enable it to review its processes and discover any potential improvement opportunities to then use them.

Efroh’s logistics and construction services have generally received positive feedback from the customers, particularly the State of California and the businesses that the company serves. It uses Onfleet software for its last-minute delivery services, which automatically collects metrics and enables data analysis for purposes of quality improvement (The world’s most advanced last mile delivery platform, n.d.). However, the feedback from its construction projects may be inaccurate due to a lack of critical oversight. Additionally, its IT and support services have been met with mixed feedback, with the primary contention being that they emphasize variety more than quality. As such, a vital part of this total quality management plan is to describe the aspects of the framework that will maximize the quality of the company’s services in these two areas. Specifically, improved feedback collection and analysis tools will be necessary to obtain an improved overview.

Quality Management Plan Components

The quality management plan will consist of three principal components: project quality assurance, quality risk and information management procedures, and output quality control measures. The first section will be the largest, consisting of four different parts that explain every part of the process. First, it is essential to outline the company’s methodology and the standards that govern its procedures. Next, the report will define the tools used to evaluate the quality of the processes within the Efroh Corporation. After that, the broader framework used to analyze the performance of a project as a whole will be outlined. Finally, in the fourth section, the change management process based on the previous two methods’ findings will be described. Through these four steps, the business can find any faults or improvement opportunities in its day-to-day operations and address them.

The second section, quality risk and information management, consists of the two subsections that make up its name. First, the Efroh corporation’s risk assessment and management procedures, which are critical to its ability to deliver high-quality products and services consistently, will be discussed. Next, information management, which contributes to the continued improvement of all aspects of the business’s services, will be discussed in additional detail. Lastly, the third section, output quality control, will discuss the measures taken to ensure that the company’s products are of a quality that will satisfy its customers. To that end, it will start by describing the review procedures that take place before the finished good or service is presented to the buyer. Finally, the report will outline the acceptance procedure that enables the customer to inspect the product before accepting it and finalizing the transaction.

Quality Management Strategy

Many SDVOSB businesses, particularly those that work with the government, are seen as semi-public firms that use their state business guarantees to avoid competition and deliver subpar services. The Efroh Corporation aims to escape this perception and become a well-known and respected local entity that enhances its partners’ operations. To that end, it will implement a total quality management (TQM) framework to ensure that its products’ quality is as high as possible. The purpose of such an approach is to establish a climate where the company’s competencies are continuously being improved rather than achieve a substantial one-time quality increase (Kiran, 2016). As a result, the company will continuously remain at the forefront of innovation and quality measures, becoming a reliable long-term partner.

To achieve the implementation of a successful TQM framework, Efroh will have to implement broad companywide changes. It will be necessary to create an integrated set of analysis and information management tools across the firm to evaluate aspects of its performance in a broad context. To that end, the management will have to design an extensive framework based on the latest research in the field. Additionally, it will need to secure every employee’s commitment, without whose assistance the system will not be able to operate. Company communications, particularly vertical ones, will have to be overhauled and improved to achieve this objective. Ultimately, the company will monitor all of its processes and use employee feedback to maximize the quality of its services. By creating such a system and sustaining it, the business will be able to optimize the quality of its operations and products in the short as well as long term.


Kiran, D. (2016). Total quality management: Key concepts and case studies. Elsevier Science.

Our service. (n.d.). Efroh Corporation. 2020. Web.

The world’s most advanced last mile delivery platform. (n.d.). Onfleet. 2020. Web.

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